Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Good Saturday

Hello, peeps!

Me, saying hello, while frying in the sun.

Today was the North Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games, or in other words, The Hottest Scottish Festival on the Earth! We had a scare yesterday, when The Young Adult rolled an ankle during rehearsal. It was sore all night. In the past, he has severely sprained both ankles and broken one ankle, so this injury made him (and me) very nervous. It was hard to strike the right chord between encouraging ("It isn't swollen. I think it is okay.") and freaking out ("Oh my gosh, we are probably going back to the orthopedic doctor! Get out the boot and the crutches! AUGH!"). 

After a competition, I cannot get his songs out of my head!
 This morning The Young Adult could not dance. But he wanted to go watch. So we all piled in the car and headed out to Arlington, TX, about an hour away. We took his outfit. You know......just in case..... and stopped at Walgreen's for two ankle braces....

Checking in. Notice the sturdy brace ("with side supports"!) on the left ankle!

He worked on the ankle after we arrived, and decided he could try the Fling. And lo and behold! He was able to dance! It's a miracle! Well, we were happy, anyway!

The Swords dance make me NERVOUS!

He danced very well. We were super proud of him! He looks so strong up there. But, alas! He did not medal. He came in 4th of 5 in every dance. He was disappointed, but the 4th place was not due to poor dancing on his part. It was an indication of how well his group did, overall.

Cutie and Cupcake totally rocked today! 1st place finishes!

It was really, really hot. Maybe that is a dumb thing to say when we live in Texas, and it is June, but I said it anyway. It was HOT! However, it was about 10 degrees cooler than last year (95 this year; 105 last year). We were all roasted by the time he was done.
Romeo, squinting in the hot sun

Cookie Boy and Monkey, trying to stay cool

It is always fun to see all the people dressed up at these festivals. To hear the bagpipe bands. To see all the cool items for sell (swords, daggers, and haggis, oh my!).

Although the festival was full of delicious food, it was just way too hot to enjoy it. We got The Young Adult his haggis, and headed home. Well, home via Freddy's.
It was like a heavenly sign...

Too tired and hot to like anything, until he scarfed down a grilled cheese and a sundae!

And to crown it all off - the Monkey went poopy in the potty when we got home. Another miracle (not so minor)!

Now all we need to make the weekend complete is for the Mavs to win tomorrow night!

I don't think this is on the South Beach Diet "approved" list. Whoops!

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